Prayer to St. Vincent Ferrer - 1:
A glorious Apostle and wonder-worker, Saint Vincent Ferrer, new Angel of the Apocalypse and our loving patron, receive our humble prayer, and send down upon us a plentiful shower of divine favors. By the fire of love in thy heart, obtain for us from the Father of cercies the pardon and remission of all our sins, steadfastness in faith, and perseverance in good works, that so we may live as good and fervent Christians and become worthy of thy powerful patronage. Extend thy protection to our bodies also, and deliver us from sickness. Keep our fields from hurtful tempests and storms of hail, and banish all misfortunes far from us. Blessed by thy favors both in body and soul, we shall ever be thy devoted clients, and one day we shall come to heaven t0 join thee in praising God through all eternity.
Prayer to St. Vincent Ferrer - 2:
O Saint Vincent, glorious worker of miracles, who in thy lifetime didst convert so many sinners by preaching the last judgment, grant that we too, by meditating on the four last things, may be enabled to obtain from Almighty God through thine intercession the healing of all our spiritual maladies. Let thy heart be tender toward us, O mighty Saint: stretch forth thy hand over us, and obtain for us those graces for the welfare of both soul and body, which we so earnestly ask of thee.